Wednesday 21 September 2011

How to set the PI SOAP Adapter 7.1 components trace level to debug?

This article answers the following queries
Ø  How to set the PI SOAP Adapter 7.1 components trace level to debug?
Ø  How to change the trace level of PI SOAP Adapter 7.1?
Sometimes, to troubleshoot an issue related to SOAP Adapter, SAP might request you to change the trace level of SOAP adapter in a PI system. This is required because much more log can be captured if trace level is set to debug.
Here is the process to perform the same in the java stack of PI system.
1)    Open  NWA of java system
Eg: https://hostname :port/nwa
2)    Navigate to  Problem Management -> Logs and Traces -> Log Configuration
3)    Select show -> tracing locations
4)    Go to Tracing location  com -> sap -> aii -> adapter -> soap
5)    Set severity of this location to Debug and click “Copy to Sub tree”
6)    Go to Tracing location com -> sap -> aii -> af -> sdk -> xi
7)    Set severity of this location to Debug and click “Copy to Sub tree”

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