Saturday 3 September 2011

How to determine the size of the client in SAP

This article answers the following queries :

  • How to determine the size of the client in SAP? 
  • What is the program used to determine the size of the client in SAP?

Please note that client size of an SAP system can be determined in many ways.
Please find below easiest methods.

1) Goto Transaction SE38 and run report RSSPACECHECK as shown below

In the next step, please provide the client for which the size to be determined and please make sure below settings are kept and run the report.

The output of this report lists the size of the client

2) You can determine size of the client running  Local client copy (SCCL transaction) in test mode.

Provide the reqeusted  details of source client and target client and please donot forget to tick Test Run option before executing

Click continue in the above screen to proceed further.

Click on Resource Check push button in the above screen. The output of this will provide the size of the client.

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