Tuesday 4 June 2013

How to Boost Your Brand, Business Or Product Using Pinterest

Web Address: www.pinterest.com

Pinning Principle: Before you start pinning, consider what pinner really care about. Check out your web analytics to see what they like best, or talk to them directly. Tailor your pinning for them.


Introduction to Pinterest

What is Pinterest? A pin could be a gift, recipe, product or even a quote. If you add the “Pin it Button” to your website, people can use it to pin your stuff to pinterest. Then lots more people can repin those things or click back to your website.


Creating a Pinterest Account

·          Create a Business Account: Help people discover your business on pinterest
·         Verify your Website: Get your website verified to show pinners you’re a trustworthy source.
·         Add the Pin it Button to Your Site: Make it easy to pin from your website or blog.


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