Monday 8 March 2010

Video Tutorial: .NET Barcode Recognition Decoder SDK

by Nate Schubert

Decoding barcode images from a computer screen is common these days as more scanners and smart phones have the capability as imagers to capture and read barcode images. If you do not have a scanner capable of reading barcodes from an LCD screen or do not have a smart phone that allows you to scan barcode images, then the .NET Barcode Recognition Decoder SDK may be the product for you.

This barcode component decodes barcodes from scanned document images. You can load a single image of a barcode or an entire document and center the focus around the barcode on that document. This powerful application allows the user to not only scan the targeted barcode image but can also tell you which type of barcode appears in the image, all data encoded in the barcode and the bar pattern of the image itself.

Using the .NET Barcode Recognition Decoder SDK is a breeze, especially with the release of our latest Video Tutorial. This video shows how quickly and easily a barcode image can be decoded using this IDAutomation barcode component. Check out the demonstration below.


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