Wednesday 24 March 2010

Free QR-Code Badge for Web-Masters

Interested in adding a "Create QR-Code Badge" to your web-site? If yes - please read on!

TEC-IT has enhanced it's bookmarking and sharing add-on for web-sites. Besides the "traditional" sharing services for FacebookTwitterDiggStumpleUponSlashDot etc. this web-control now generates and displays a QR-Code encoding the URL of interest.

Such an URL QR-Code can be read with camera-equipped smartphones. The bar code decoder application on the phone forwards the user to this URL immediately - without keying in the URL manually. The bar code looks cool and can be shared via email, via MMS, by embedding it into arbitrary artwork - or simply by printing it.

Get in touch with us if you are interested in this QR-Code Badge. It will be available for free if you provide a backlink to


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