Friday 1 July 2011

What is Dpmon tool ? How to use it ?

This article answers the following query :

  • What is dpmon tool ? How to use it ?

What is dpmon tool ?

dpmon is an auxiliary tool provided by SAP to use from operating system level. This tool provides the functionalities similar to workprocess overview of SAP (SM50 or SM66).

This tool will be of great use if by any reason, we are not able to login to SAP system through SAP GUI. We can use dpmon and login to SAP system at operating system level and we can identify the reasons for the issue and we can action accordingly.

How to open dpmon tool ?

(Am demonstrating the usage of dpmon tool based on AIX or HP-UX operating systems)

Login to Central Instance(CI) host of the SAP system using  <sidadm> userid.

After logging in goto the CI, please go to the profiles path.

You can use any of the following commands to go to the profiles directory

cd /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/profile          (or)

cd /sapmnt/<SID>/profile                   (or)


Please find below screenshot

Use the command as shown below :

dpmon pf=<profilename>

It displays “Dispatcher Queue Statistics as below”. In this screenshot we can figure out if any dispatcher waits are there

Click on l in the above screenshot to view work process overview as below :

From the above screen, we can make out if all the dialog workprocesses are full.
In that case, PID of a problematic process can be taken and that process can be killed at Oslevel by Kill -9 <PID>. After that you can login to the system as you have just killed one dialog process and it is free so that it will allow you to login to the SAP system from SAPGUI.

In addition to that, following are the commands that can be executed in dpmon tool in the above screen :

Press k  to kill workprocess (with core)

Press s to stop workprocess

Press q to quit from dpmon tool

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