Thursday 23 June 2011

Troubleshooting long running transport

This article answers the following queries :

  • How to troubleshoot when a transport is running for unusually long duration and not getting completed or terminated ?
  • How to troubleshoot when a transport is in truck status for a long duration of time ?
  • How to cancel a transport request which is in truck status or running status ?
  • How to terminate a long running transport request to re-import again ?
  • Transport is not getting terminated. How to do terminate?

How to troubleshoot when a transport is running for unusually long duration and not getting completed or terminated ?

Go to transaction STMS_IMPORT and identify the transport which is running since a long duration.

In the below screenshot, transport with the truck symbol is the long running one

Issue could be due to following reasons :

1)    Non availability of space to perform the operation (i.e filesystem or tablespace is 100% full)

Solution :

  • Check out if any of the filesystems (like sapmnt, oraarch etc) of the Central Instance, Database and  application servers  is 100% full. If so, please add necessary space, which resolves the issue automatically and completes the import of transport.

  • Also, check out tablespaces fill levels. If autoextend is off and tablespace is 100% full then add sufficient datafiles, which resolves the issue

2)   RD* jobs are not running in SAP system

Solution :

Check out in SM37 whether RDD* jobs(RDDIMPDP, RDDIC3L, RDDVERSL etc) are running or not. If not, please make sure they are scheduled and perform the import of the transport again

3)   Update got deactivated

Solution :

Checkout in SM13 whether update is active or not. If it is not active, activate it and import the Transported to Production System.

4)   There are no free background workprocesses

Solution :

Check in SM50 whether all background workprocesses are in running status. If so, you will need to wait for the free background workprocess to run RDD* jobs to complete the  import of the transport. To avoid this issue in future you may increase the number of background workprocesses

Transport is not getting terminated. How to do terminate?

1) If you are unable to terminate a transport which is running, goto SM50 and identify the pid of the transport process. Try to cancel the process with core or without core as shown below.

2) If it is not getting terminated from SAP level, then goto Oslevel and kill.

Command for the same in AIX or HP-UX is  kill -9 <PID>  

If it is not getting killed from oslevel also, try to search for processes related to tp or R3trans and kill them as well

Eg in AIX or HP-UX :    ps –ef |grep tp


                                             ps –ef |grep r3trans

3) If it is not getting terminated from that level, you may try to kill as shown below at SAP level :

Goto Import monitor and

Navigate as below and right click and delete entry to delete the transport which is being imported

By any one of the above 3 methods, transport will surely get terminated. So then you can add to queue again and re-import


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