Monday 13 June 2011

How to find out long running jobs in SAP ?

This article answers the following queries ?

  • How to find out long running jobs in SAP ?

  • How to find out executing server, job class, periodicity or frequency of a background job ?

  • How to find out release or start details of a background job ?

  • How to find out program name or command being executed in a background job ?

  • How to find out workprocess number that is executing the background job?


How to find out long running jobs in SAP ?

Goto SM37 transaction and select the active job status between any 2 given date/time and list them. In the output, sort the jobs based on duration column in descending order and identify the jobs that are running for longer duration 

All other questions can be answered from the below :

Goto transaction SM37 and list the jobs based on status and time interval.

Select any job for which you want to figure out the details. Double click on the job,  which pops up "display job screen". In that screen, click on job details tab to view

  • Job name

  • Job class (i.e A, B and C)

  • Status of the job

  • Exec. Target (server/instance on which job is being run currently)

  • Job frequency (hourly, monthly , weekly etc)

  • Workprocess that is executing the job

  • Client on which job is running

  • Release time of the job

  • Schedule start of the job



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