Thursday 8 November 2012

Pinterest for Retailers: Text for Pinned Images

Did you know that you can actually predetermine the text that will auto populate in your Pin from a website or blog? Simply highlight the text you wish to appear within the page you are pinning from, pin the image and viola! This works when you are pinning from an outside website, not rePinning.

See image below with our company website being pinned from. I selected our logo (just for this demo) and text, which you can see highlighted on the website itself. The Pinterest window then pops up and you can now see the text included.

NOTE: Hash tags (#) apply in the Pinterest environment. Add a hash tag before key words (no spaces) to increase it's searchability.

For more information on using Pinterest check out our blog How to Get Sales Through Pinterest
One Step Retail Solutions is ranked as one of the top resellers and service providers for some of the most comprehensive and state of the art retail POS software solutions in the industry. For a free retail technology consultation, click HERE.


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