Thursday 11 October 2012

I Don't Have eCommerce, What Should I Do With my Store Website?

By: Amy Hanson - Blogger for One Step Retail Solutions

Setting up eCommerce can be quite a project and not quite what a retailer is ready to jump into. Regardless you still have to make your products and image accessible and give the on-line world a feel for what to expect.

In perusing the recently featured retailers on Refinery 29, Owl N Wood popped up as a key place to stop in Oakland, California. Take a look at how they have built a website that gives you a definite feel for their merchandise though they have no items listed for purchase. If you don't yet have a website for your store, this model is simple yet effective.

As a shopper, I can honestly say I frequently look into a boutique online before making the trip to the brick-and-mortar shop (looking at their website, Facebook and/or Yelp). I make a point of NOT purchasing attire on-line but I prefer to have assessed their look, feel and style to see if it is of interest to me. With so many resources now available at your fingertips, more and more consumers are taking to the web (or their smart phone) before even setting foot in your store.

Also, consider using Instagram to post images of your items, events and even day-to-day activities. Hookup Instagram up to your social sites, blogs and even your website with

One Step Retail Solutions is ranked as one of the top resellers and service providers for some of the most comprehensive and state of the art retail POS software solutions in the industry. For a free retail technology consultation, click HERE.


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