Monday 18 April 2011

3 Killer QR Code Marketing Strategies

by Nate Schubert

In recent years, QR Codes have taken the Marketing community by storm. This area-efficient 2D barcode is a juggernaut, showing no signs of slowing down as businesses across the globe scramble to incorporate the cutting-edge barcode technology.

Beginning to use QR Codes as part of a time-sensitive marketing campaign, or a long-term marketing strategy can be a daunting task. Barcode technology isn't always easy to understand, as the process of encoding a barcode with the data you want can sometimes get very complicated depending on the barcode type being used, as well as the data you intend to encode inside the barcode. IDAutomation provides a variety of different QR Code Generators that will allow you to create QR Codes in many different environments and applications, and we offer demo's for all of our products so that potential customers can test and work out their procedures with a working product before purchasing.

Following are some of the ways various industries can utilize 2D QR Code technology to increase efficiency for both business and customer.
  • Real Estate Companies can add QR Codes to home brochures for each home they have on the market. This way, would-be home buyers don't need to waste time collecting a file of flyers on each of the homes they're interested in. Instead, simply scan the QR Code sticker on the sign or near the flyer. If you encode a web address for that particular home, then the user will go to that web address on their phone as they scan the barcode. This way, they'll always have the information about that house on their phone, and can access it from anywhere.
  • Car Dealerships would also stand to gain from including QR Codes on the sale materials for their cars. For those would-be customers who are just browsing or don't want to talk to a sales person, simply scan the QR Code on the sales materials to go directly to a web address dedicated to that specific car.
  • Restaurants can take advantage of QR Codes by placing one outside their door. Scanning the QR Code would take users to their menu online so that they can share with friends or family. This is an excellent way to get the word out about your menu, and a fast and easy way for customers to access it.
Another great benefit of using QR Codes is the ability to track usage. If your website has Google Analytics, for example, you can generate your special tracking URL with their URL Builder. Encode the resulting URL into your QR Code and you'll begin receiving data on the users who scan those QR Codes, as long as the barcode itself leads to a web address.

There are an endless list of other ways to use QR Codes effectively in your marketing strategies, and they are not limited just to businesses as outlined above. What are some other ways your business has incorporated QR Codes into your marketing strategies?


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