Thursday 21 October 2010

IDAutomation Joins AIM

by Nate Schubert

It's official! As of October 7, 2010, IDAutomation has teamed up with AIMGlobal in an effort to provide our industry-leading barcode generation fonts, components and software applications to an even wider range of those in need.

That's Great! But What is AIM?

The Association for Automatic Identification and Mobility, or AIM for short, is the international trade association for providers of automatic identification and mobility technology solutions. They are the leading authority on barcode technology, RFID technology and Enterprise Mobile computing. Essentially, AIM serves to provide both information and direction in terms of automatic identification and mobile computing technology, to ease the process of integration into standard, every day business.

What is IDAutomation's Role?

In a nutshell, AIM is an organization that provides guidance and direction for the industries that IDAutomation specializes in. Without authority organizations like AIM, we would have more difficulty providing our excellent products and solutions to customers, because there would be a lot more confusion as to the direction of the industry as a whole.

What Does It All Mean?

Because we have teamed up with AIM, we are now able to provide their website visitors with solutions they can use to improve the speed of business processes, reduce inefficiences, and increase revenue. Who doesn't want that?

Check out the IDAutomation profile on AIM or visit our website for more information on the many ways we can help your business.


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