Monday 23 March 2009

Ignore the Economy

The March issue of BusinessSolutions published a great article, "Ignore the Economy." Rather than paraphrasing what I want to point out, here is a clip from it (author, Mike Monocello):

I’m not denying that the economy isn’t struggling. It’s now a sad reality. However, I don’t think things are as bad as most people think. I’m not alone. For instance, at the NRF (National Retail Federation) BIG Show 2009 in New York City, I had the opportunity to speak with more than 20 lead executives from a variety of manufacturers in retail. Nearly all of them told me they haven’t seen the type of recessionary slowdown the media and analysts have been stressing over. However, many of these executives also admitted their companies are being very cautious. Chances are, you’re in the same situation of cautiously waiting things out. My question is, how long will you wait and keep your business in a stalled state? Or better yet, why wait?
He goes on to say that there is mounds of actionable information available to retailers to improve their retail business.

One Step can advise you on a course of action if you need some help. We also provide free business analytics.

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