Friday 9 November 2007

Redbeam Asset Tracking Solution

Streamline your fixed asset management process!

Fixed assets management is an accounting process that seeks to track fixed assets for the purposes of financial accounting, improved asset visibility, and theft deterrence.

Many organizations face a significant challenge to track the location, quantity, condition, maintenance and depreciation status of their fixed assets. A proven approach to tracking fixed assets utilizes serial numbered asset tags with bar codes for easy and accurate reading. The owner of the assets can take periodic physical inventories with a mobile barcode reader and then produce a report.

An off-the-shelf software package for fixed asset management such as RedBeam Asset Tracking can help your organization track valuable assets such as equipment and supplies. Asset tracking software allows companies to track what assets it owns, where each is located, who has it, and the cost and depreciation of each asset.

The powerful reporting functionality built into the RedBeam asset tracking solution provides dozens of useful reports, including assets by category and department, net book value of assets, assets past due, audit history, and transactions. As a result, companies reduce expenses through loss prevention and improved equipment visibility. They reduce new and unnecessary equipment purchases, and they can more accurately calculate taxes based on depreciation schedules.

The most commonly tracked assets are:

Office Equipment
Medical Equipment
IT Equipment, for example laptops.
Maintenance supplies
Educational materials
Software licenses


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