By 2015 it is estimated that 10 – 15% of retailers will have made the transition to mobile POS, as well as whispers of several other groundbreaking advancements (made possible by mobile POS). It can be said that the “mobile POS age” is two pronged; with the advent of the in store POS and
the integration of social media into the buyer’s experience through their own mobile devices. 50% of Americans now have smart phones and the numbers are increasing daily.
It appears that the hottest subjects for a POS upgrade to mobile (in the boutique retail scene) are new shops, those opting for mobile POS as part of opening new locations or those incorporating a POS upgrade to mobile POS as part of a design overhaul. Big box and department stores are starting to phase into mobile POS to increase efficiency and customer service; check out
Nordstrom if you want to see mobile POS in action.
If you were to compare the transition of the landline phone age to what is now ultimately the smart phone age, you see that technology transitions take time to roll out and POS upgrades take a definite effort on the part of a retailer.
In addition to mobile POS, retail technology is developing fast. Many retailers will be surprised at the overall benefits and increased precision that can be brought about with these tools, especially since many retailers do not fully use their existing POS. Whether it comes down to a lack
of training, time or interest – retail technology needs to be seen as the vital retail tool it is. The proper system, properly used can vastly improve a retailer’s customer contact management, marketing, inventory control, personnel production management and help ensure success. Mobile POS is poised to greatly enhance the retail industry.
As a retailer looking at the possibility of an upgrade into any new retail solution, one should assess its functionality and ensure that you are willing to fully roll it out, vastly increasing its return on investment. Training, installation and support should all be a part of what you
look for when selecting a vendor for your POS.
The mobile POS boom will come as retailers become familiar with its use and power. Old habits die hard, but out-dated POS habit may be one of things you should “take out back and shoot”.