Zebra Plastic Card Printers.

Zebra Plastic Card Printers come in a variety of styles and price ranges, including single-sided printers, dual sided printers, and security printers

Healthy Solutions for Healthcare.

The healthcare industry benefits from barcoding. Barcoding enhances patient safety and operational efficiency.

Seagull Scientific Products

Seagull Scientific BarTender is an industry-leading label design and barcode software. Seagull Scientific also develops true Windows printer drivers for bar code and thermal printers.

MC 9190G

The Ability To Satisfy Your Company Software Requirements.

Wireless Broadband

The unrivalled Motorola portfolio of Point-to-Point (PTP), Point-to-Multipoint (PMP), and Mesh Wide Area Network (MWAN), WLAN and VoWLAN solutions make governments, enterprises, and service providers more agile by helping them deploy voice, video, and data applications right where they need them.

Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Data Acquisition Software TWedge 2.0 Released

Merry Christmas!
It's Christmas. In Austria that usually includes snow, silence (for some people), last-minute gift-shopping (for most people) and holidays. For TEC-IT customers this also means that the new version of the data acquisition software TWedge was released to the public.

New and Flexible Data Acquisition Software
TWedge version 2.0 captures data from serial, USB, Bluetooth or TCP/IP based devices and forwards this data to arbitrary applications or databases.

The highlight of TWedge is the embedded scripting language (based on JavaScript). Using this scripting language any user can embed custom logic or data acquisition functions. It is very easy to extend the functionality of this software wedge, even direct database access functions (via ODBC) and file access methods are available.

Check out the demo version: scriptable data acquisition software
Press release: Universal Data-Acquisition Software

Example (Simple)
After adjusting the interface for data acquisition (e.g. serial port COM1, 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity) TWedge should be supplied with at least one script which is called whenever data is received via the configured interface.

The perfect place for this script is the the OnData() section. TWedge also offers OnStart(), OnStop(), OnTimer() and OnHotkey() - I assume you guess what these scripts are for.

A very simple OnData() script looks like this:

// start of script
// end of script

The function SendKeyStrokes() simple converts captured data into virtual keystrokes. In other words: Using this simple command TWedge works as keyboard wedge. The captured data is available in the variable DATA by default (TWedge ensures correct device communication).

Example (Complex)
A more complex script writes captured data into a database. OnStart() is used for database initialization and it gets called by TWedge automatically whenever the user invokes device communication:

// start of script
// open the database
if (!myDB.Open("DSN=TWedge_Sample;"))
MessageBox("Could not open database TWedge_Sample!");

// delete all records stored in a previous session
myDB.Execute ("DELETE * from tbl_Scans");
// end of script

Each time TWedge receives data from the external device it calls the function OnData(). The OnData()-code below enters captured data into the database (along with the hostename and the current date/time):

// start of script
// get the current date and time
var d = new Date();
// d.getMonth returns the month zero-based (e.g. 0=January, 11=December); thus add 1
var sDate = (d.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + d.getDate() + "-" + d.getFullYear();
var sTime = d.getHours() + ":" + d.getMinutes() + ":" + d.getSeconds();

// build the INSERT statement
var insert = "INSERT INTO tbl_Scans (ProdID, ScanDate, ScanTime, Host) VALUES (";
insert += "'" + DATA + "', ";
insert += "'" + sDate + "', ";
insert += "'" + sTime + "', ";
insert += "'" + "localhost" + "');";

// execute the INSERT statement
var nRet = myDB.Execute(insert);
if (nRet < -1) MessageBox ("Error during INSERT:" + myDB.LastError); else if (nRet == -1) MessageBox ("This should not happen when executing an INSERT statement"); else MessageBox (nRet + " record(s) inserted!"); // end of script

Nice - But I don't know JavaScript!
Don't worry. TWedge comes with predefined scripts for common usage scenarios (e.g. keyboard wedge functionality). Just select the template which matches your requirements. Or contact TEC-IT for support.

End of Post
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Monday, 15 December 2008

Sports Apparel Case Study

One Step Retail Solutions performed another Retail Pro case study with Sportech, an athletic footwear and apparel store in Port Chester, NY. The store opened 16 years ago and manager Soung Kim talked about her experience with Retail Pro:

"We got on Retail Pro in 1995. You can figure the math there but that's the only system we've used. The store, when we first got it, was about 2000 square feet and now we are at 5600 square feet, so keeping track of our inventory has definitely helped us make larger profit margins, as well as not over-purchasing, so we were able to turn out a profit and expand the store. "

See full case study at:

Swimwear Case Study

In a case study with Gone Bananas located in San Diego, CA, owner Tom O'Hara speaks about his experience using Retail Pro point of sale software.

When asked about financial benefits, Tom said:
"We have now grown to where we're one of the largest single operations of swimwear in the US. Sales and profits have increased to levels which we would have never dreamed of. We're also online now and have synched our online store to our inventory. This feature of Retail Pro makes the online sales aspect of our store much easier. We'll be seeing more sales through the Internet as well."
Full case study at:

Monday, 8 December 2008

Round Table for Retail Execs

One Step Retail Solutions is holding an exclusive Round Table for retail executives. The topic is "Are You Crazy Enough to Expand in This Economy?"

Kevin McAdam, author of "Success in the Retail Business During Economic Stress" will present a proven strategy that will enable retailers to open new stores and actually expand in 2009, despite all the doom and gloom economic headlines.

This special open-mic Round Table is an excellent opportunity to speak with Kevin and other retailers about expanding while everyone else is trembling.

December 10, 2008
11:00 AM (PT)

Limited to only 25 attendees! Reserve your space now!

Send Email with your name, company, title and email address and you will receive instructions to join the meeting: sales@onestepretail.com or call (800) 266-1328.

Thursday, 4 December 2008

New Book Release

One Step Retail Solutions has released a new eBook, "Succeeding in the Retail Business during Economic Stress" by Kevin McAdam which offers insight and strategies for retailers suffering at the hands of a struggling economy.

Looking at trends in retailing and current industry news spouting doom and gloom, Kevin McAdam gets to the bottom line with survival strategies that help retailers adapt to changing technologies and the new realities of the marketplace.

“This book is very timely because of the current economic conditions, and Kevin really gets into the necessities of what retailers should do during challenging times,” says Scott Kreisberg, CEO of One Step Retail Solutions. “His strategies point out how retailers can not only survive, but thrive during these conditions. I can personally vouch for the validity of his strategies, since I passed on these strategies to him and have watched my clients remain profitable during three economic recessions over the past 20 years as a result.”

This book is a compilation of articles from Kevin's column in a newsletter published by One Step Retail Solutions, advising its retail customers how to get through the economic climate of decreased sales numbers.

Alicia Kreisberg, Chief Operating Officer at One Step claims, “Retailers will find this book very insightful, particularly because the approach and principles outlined in Kevin’s book are taken from the same practices we use at One Step with our clients. No matter what the economic climate is, we make sure that our clients have the tools to succeed.”

Retailers will find in-depth methodologies for such matters as weathering a storm in the retail business, increasing sales through channels of retailing, having the right product at the right place at the right time, how retailers should focus on their core strengths, and adjusting a retail business to changing economic times.

The eBook version is now available as a free download at www.onestepretail.com/retail/ebook.php.

Saturday, 22 November 2008

RssHugger Review

It turned out that registering this blog is essential to get visitors. While browsing the net for free rss submission services (overviews are provided by RSStop55 or www.toprankblog.com). I also stumbled over RssHugger.com. It sounds like a fair deal, they are listing this blog - and I write a few lines regarding their service.

RssHugger.com provides two ways to get listed. Paying a small amount of money or getting listed for free - if you write a small review like this. Because I don't know what I'll receive for my money I prefer option 2 in this case. ;-). So - let's see what happens.

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Generic Survey Widget

Just for fun a colleague of mine implemented a generic widget for simple and minimalistic web-based surveys. Chck out www.widgetbox.com for the Online Survey Widget made by TEC-IT.

At the moment this widget just sends GET requests to a pre-specified URL (the URL is adjustable). The results of the survey are thus only visible in the web-logs of the respective web-server. We know - this is not state-of-the art ;-). But if time allows an email notification service will be implemented. So everyone can use this online survey widget without any local software installation.

Monday, 10 November 2008

Online Barcode Generator Updated

TEC-IT updated the Online Barcode Generator recently. Behind the scenes the barcode software TBarCode 9 is working - which now supports Micro QR Code and more than 100 other barcode symbologies.

Check out unlimited Online Barcode Creation today!

Saturday, 8 November 2008

Software Wedge - Data Acquisition Software

Beside barcode, labeling and reporting software TEC-IT offers software tools for data acquisition. One of these tools is named TWedge - a software wedge.

The main purpose of such a software wedge (also named keyboard wedge) is to transform data read from an external device (connected via RS232, RS485, serial, COM, USB, Bluetooth or TCP/IP) into keyboard strokes. These keyboard strokes are then be forwarded to arbitrary applications. Using such middleware it is possible to automate data acquisition tasks - even with software applications which are not able to communicate with devices directly (e.g. like using a serial barcode scanner with Microsoft Excel).

The existing version of TWedge fulfills its main purpose perfectly. Serial data is captured and forwarded to applications. But customers often require powerful possibilities for adjusting and modifying data prior it is forwarded to a target application.

The solution to this problem? Scripting!

The new version of TWedge supports JavaScript(tm). Thus customers are able to do more or less everything with TWedge. Received data can be transformed, modified, checked and adjusted. But the most interesting point is, that TEC-IT extended JavaScript with direct database and file access. In other words: the upcoming version of TWedge enables users to store data directly into ODBC databases and files. It is also possible to implement complex application logic in JavaScript.

If interested just contact TEC-IT. A release candidate is available for testing!

Thursday, 6 November 2008

ESpeedPost uses TEC-ITs Online Barcode Generator

EspeedPost demonstrates how to connect web-services in a successful way: EspeedPost uses TEC-IT's online barcode generator for generating shipping labels.

Founded in 1995, Espeed is a logistics partner for eBay sellers who sell worldwide. They have a tight cooperation with Hongkong Post, EMS, DHL, UPS, Fedex etc., and can provide various services to customers according to their demands.

More information about ESpeedPost is available here.

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Barcode Generator with extensive Symbology Support

As already announced in a previous post, TEC-IT released the new version of the barcode generator software component TBarCode (Version 9).

TBarCode V9 introduces support for Micro QR-Code, a full Aztec barcode implementation and the support for HIBC bar-codes (linear and 2D barcode variants for LIC and PAS encoding). In total TBarCode generates now more than 100 different barcode symbologies!

More details are available here. The demo version of TBarCode can be downloaded for free from www.tec-it.com.

Try it - and let us know if there are some features missing!

Sunday, 26 October 2008

Google Docs and Barcodes

TEC-IT offers an Online Barcode Generator for creating dynamic bar-codes online. This barcode generator can be easily integrated in web-applications and online documents like Google Docs.

The link below explains how to integrate dynamic bar-codes into arbitrary Google documents. You do not need additional software or locally stored barcodes images!

Using Barcodes in Google Docs

Monday, 20 October 2008

Free Webinar for Retailers

Announcing...The Roll-up Your Sleeves, Time for the Cold Hard Facts, Make Sure You Survive the Economic Downturn FREE WEBINAR.

"How to Adjust Your Retail Business to The Changing Economic Times"

Date: November 12, 2008
Time: 11:00 AM (PT)
For: Retail business owners and managers

With our hand on the pulse of retail, we told you back in March what you needed to do then to thrive in the coming economic downturn. Many retailers took this to heart and are growing and expanding. What can you do now that the economic bad times are here? Adjust. Find out how in this hard-hitting, no holds barred, confront the facts, 1-hour webinar.

Join Kevin McAdam, author, speaker, Vice President of One Step Retail Solutions and co-founder of the Retail Technology Resources Group for this new retail-business-owner specific, 1-hour time investment, survival course.

In this webinar you'll find out about:
  • How you can increase your bottom line, even while sales are decreasing.
  • The 5 things that you must have going for you to ensure your staying power.
  • The 2 most important assets that retailers have and how to make them work for you.
  • The 14 biggest obstacles to retail store survival.
  • Real life examples of how some retailers are able to expand during hard economic times while others go under.
This will be the best hour you could invest to ensure your business survives! You will learn why 87% of retail businesses fail and how you can avoid being one of them!

Be quick! RSVP now...Go to www.onestepretail.com/webinar
Registration is free, but required. Limited space- only 200 spots available!

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Retail Pro Business Partner Award

Retail Pro, Inc. announced its awards for Global Business Partner of the Year and Global Top Sales Award at its annual Business Partners Conference in San Diego, California. The winner of both awards was One Step Retail Solutions.

“Once again, One Step Retail Solutions has proven itself to be an outstanding business partner and brings to its clients, some of the leading specialty retailers in the world, the benefit of excellent advice, service and support,” said Retail Pro’s Ken Sapp, Senior Vice President for Global Sales.

In accepting these awards, One Step COO Alicia Kreisberg stated, “This is definitely a team effort and we think our team is the best around. We also know that our success is based on the fact that our purpose is to improve how retailers run their business by using technology to boost efficiencies and collect valuable information that can help them make the right business decisions. We give each retailer personalized attention and ensure the technology they chose fits their individual business needs."

One Step Retail Solutions has been Retail Pro’s Global Business Partner of the Year for the last two years and was also awarded the Inc 5000 award for 2007, as one of the 5000 fastest growing companies in the US.

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

New Retail Survival Test

One Step Retail Solutions has just launched an online Retail Survival Test to help retailers measure their store's future success in the economic downturn.

The retailer will find out how healthy their store operations are and what their chances of making it through the next few years of business and come out the other side thriving.

Take the Retail Survival Test and see how your store measures up against the leading survival indicators and success predictors. You'll receive a score and analysis of your store's results by email immediately following the test.

Take test now >>

Monday, 18 August 2008

Retail Pro 2008 Users Conference

Retail Pro users should be getting ready to rock 'n roll at the 2008 Retail Pro Users Conference in San Diego, CA next month from Sept. 14 through Sept 16 at the Hard Rock Hotel.

Anyone who uses Retail Pro will find this year's conference highly informative and a must attend event. Focusing entirely on current users and potential users, Retail Pro will deliver an exciting, educational, and eye-opening conference.

To register, go to www.retailpro.com/2008uc

Call us at One Step Retail Solutions to let us know you're coming! (800) 266-1328 or send email to sales@onestepretail.com.

Monday, 4 August 2008

Coming to MAGIC and MRket

One Step Retail Solutions will be at MAGIC Marketplace and MRket this August and wants to show retailers how POS can give them an advantage through down-turning economies and increase the chances for success.

MRket - August 24-26
The Venetian Hotel in Venetian Ballroom in Las Vegas
We're in the MRket Zone in WiFi Lounge

MAGIC - August 25-27
Las Vegas Convention Center & Las Vegas Hilton
Booth # ME-2627 in Central Hall

Contact One Step for a no-obligation discussion with a retail expert to find out how POS could make the difference in whether you will still be operating next year or in the next five years.

Call (800) 266-1328 or send Email.

Friday, 1 August 2008

New Release: .NET Barcode Recognition Image Decoder SDK

by Nate Schubert

Barcode Recognition Decoder SoftwareAugust 5th, 2008

IDAutomation.com releases their .NET Barcode Recognition Image Decoder SDK

(Tampa, FL.) IDAutomation.com, Inc. announces the release of their Barcode Recognition Image Decoder SDK, which allows for easy scanning of barcodes in .NET Framework applications.

The package reads multiple barcode types from a single DLL that is 100% managed code, strong named and digitally signed. Supported barcode types include Code-39, Code-128, GS1-128, Code-93, Code-11, Interleaved 2 of 5, Codabar, MSI, UPC-A and EAN-13. The demo download includes a source code example for Visual Basic .NET and tutorials for VB.NET and C#.

A distributable royalty-free small company Developer License starts at $395. More information about this new product and to download a demo can be found at http://www.idautomation.com/barcode-recognition/. IDAutomation also provides barcode fonts and barcode components and has been marketing ID automation products since 1996 and is privately held. For more information, visit their website at http://www.idautomation.com/.

Attention publisher: You may edit our press release as necessary for your publication. This press release, including logo and barcode graphic images may by viewed and downloaded from http://www.idautomation.com/press/. In addition, you may use any of our graphics or text from our website.

Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Product Updates for GS1 DataBar & Data Matrix

by Nate Schubert

New Update: GS1 DataBar Products

By January 2010, GS1 requires that all POS systems support GS1 Databar (formerly RSS). This is the only symbology that will be approved for use by GS1.org to encode GTIN-14 numbers that do not start with the number zero (0).

GS1 Databar Windows Forms Control
Creates high-quality, dynamic barcode generation in the .NET Framework 1.1 or greater development environment. The component easily integrates into Visual Studio.NET, C# and VB. The control may be loaded on a form or used as a DLL. Several methods are available to print and generate images.

GS1 Databar Image Generator
Allows easy generation of quality barcodes for pasting into other Windows applications and generation of high-quality graphic image files. Easy-to-use features include settings and properties retention, command line options, one-click copy to clipboard ability for quick paste into other applications, and auto generated image file names based on the data of the barcode at save time.

Both products include the following GS1 DataBar types: Omnidirectional, Stacked, Truncated, Stacked Omnidirectional, Limited, Expanded, Expanded Stacked Omnidirectional and Composite Components.

New Update: Data Matrix Products

Both versions of the Data Matrix Font & Encoders were updated to increase performance and decode capability, as well as the following products that include the Data Matrix symbology:
If any of these products were purchased and you would like to obtain the update, please refer to the Priority Support and Upgrade Subscription Renewal section of this newsletter.

Product Updates and Priority Support and Upgrade Subscription Renewal
Priority Support & Upgrade SubscriptionIDAutomation's Priority Support and Upgrade Subscription allows you to receive the latest version of the product, unlimited phone support, priority Help Desk support during work hours and additional help desk support on evenings, weekends and holidays.

If the Priority Support and Upgrade Subscription has not been purchased or is expired, it may be activated from the appropriate link:

If the Priority Support and Upgrade Subscription has been purchased:

If the purchase was made before December 2005 through RegNow/Digital River, please contact us with your order ID number and we will send you the updated download link.

If you have an active support agreement through our store, you will need to go back to our store online and go to “my account”: http://store.idautomation.com/login-st-order.asp. To login, you will need to enter your user name (your email address) and the password created at the time of order. When you log in, you should see your order and in the upper right hand corner, you will see a "My Downloads” icon link. This will be the location to download the update.

For customers who do not purchase the Priority Support and Upgrade Subscription, support is limited to our online knowledge base and the product support site. Product updates are only provided to customers with an active Priority Support and Upgrade Subscription.

Recent Press Releases

Micro QRCode

We are especially proud of the product TBarCode. Due to it's advanced features this bar code generator SDK is in use in countless applications and systems worldwide. One of the highlights of TBarCode is the complete bar-code support. TBarCode generates and prints virtually all linear, 2D and GS1 bar codes in common use.

The upcoming version 9 of TBarCode adds (beside various extensions, bug-fixes and improvements) again some new bar code symbologies. But I'll point out a new 2D barcode symbology added to V9 which is named Micro QR-Code.

The support of Micro QRCode was implemented because of customer requests. The "mother" symbology is named QRCode and is supported by TBarCode since years. QRCode is currently used in industrial applications (mainly in Asia, Japan) and for mobile tagging.

Micro QRCode is a variant of QRCode and focuses on encoding a small amount of characters in a very restricted space.

Below you can see a comparison between Micro QRCode and QRCode. Both symbols encode the same string "TEC-IT":

Micro QR Code

QR Code

Release candidates of TBarCode V9 are already available - if you are interested just let us know (get in touch with us via www.tec-it.com).

Please let us some weeks before the new version of TBarCode will be online. In addition it is planned to add Micro QRCode to TEC-IT's online barcode generator.

P.S.: If you are interested in a currently unsupported bar code symbology - just let us know. We will hear your voice!

Monday, 28 July 2008

TEC-IT Barcode Software


This is the (official) TEC-IT Blog which is intended to communication with customers of TEC-IT, people which are interested in our software, development plans, future product improvements and so on.

Let me first introduce myself:

Most partners and customers communicate with us (or me) via email or phone, TEC-IT is a typical Internet company. This Blog is just another virtual possibility we will now give a try. And we will see what happens.

Just stay tuned.

Thursday, 24 July 2008

New Release: GS1 DataBar Windows Forms Component

by Nate Schubert

GS1 DataBar Barcode Image GeneratorJuly 24, 2008

(Tampa, FL.) IDAutomation.com announces the release of the GS1 DataBar Windows Forms Component, which allows high-quality, dynamic barcode generation in the .NET Framework 1.1 or greater development environment. DataBar is the new barcode type mandated in 2010 by GS1 to be used in all POS systems. DataBar barcodes encode the full 14 digit GTIN (Global Trade Identification Number), which is a limitation of UPC and EAN numbers currently used in POS. In addition to the GTIN, additional information such as country of origin, serial number, product weight, production date and expiration date may be encoded in the DataBar Expanded barcode type and scanned in for automated verification in POS systems.

The component easily integrates into Visual Studio .NET, C# and Visual Basic. The control may be used as a DLL or loaded on a form. Several methods are available that allow images to be printed directly to the printer, saved to a file or copied to the clipboard. The following GS1 DataBar types are supported: Omnidirectional, Stacked, Truncated, Stacked Omnidirectional, Limited, Expanded, Expanded Stacked Omnidirectional and Composite Components. The same DLL also supports PDF417, MicroPDF417, UPC-E, UPC-A, EAN-8, EAN-13, GS1-128 and Code 128. It includes source code for an image generation application, which was written in VB .NET.

A fully functional evaluation copy may be downloaded from their website at

IDAutomation provides barcode fonts, components and software applications that support several barcode types. IDAutomation.com has been marketing products for businesses since 1996 and is privately held. For more information, visit http://www.idautomation.com/.

Wednesday, 16 July 2008

New Radiant Counterpoint Business Partner

Yesterday One Step joined up with Radiant Counterpoint as Business Partners. See the photos:

More news on this to come!

Monday, 14 July 2008

New Release: DataBar Barcode Image Generator

by Nate Schubert

GS1 DataBar Barcode Image GeneratorJuly 15, 2008

(Tampa, FL.) IDAutomation.com releases the DataBar Image
, which allows easy generation of DataBar barcodes
for desktop publishing applications. DataBar barcodes encode more information than UPC and EAN symbols, such as expiration dates and serial numbers, which may help solve problems in POS systems and healthcare.

The program allows easy generation of quality barcodes for pasting into other Windows applications or generation of high-quality graphic image files. Commonly used to place images in desktop publishing applications, such as Quark, Publisher and PhotoShop. Supports all
DataBar variants
including DataBar Expanded. Easy-to-use features include settings and properties of the barcode are retained for ease of use, command line options, images are easily copied to the clipboard with one click for quick pasting into other applications, and the image
file names may be auto generated from the data of the barcode to save time.

A fully functional evaluation copy may be downloaded from their website at http://www.idautomation.com/generator/. A single user license costs $149 USD. IDAutomation provides barcode fonts, components and software applications that support several barcode types. IDAutomation.com has been marketing products for businesses since 1996 and is privately held. For more information, visit their website at http://www.idautomation.com/.

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

L.A. Roadshow Photo Montage

Watch this photo montage of our L.A. Roadshow ...

Tuesday, 10 June 2008

The Roadshow at The Grove

One Step Retail Solutions is presenting The Roadshow at The Grove in Los Angeles, CA. This is a popular event among One Step's customers, and is hitting the road to present the event in key cities. The last event was a Meet & Greet in San Diego and the L.A. Roadshow will be followed with a roadshow in New York.

Speakers from One Step include:
Peter Pishko, VP Operations
Kevin McAdam, VP Sales
Charles Wood, Director of Tech Services

Special Guest Speakers include:
Mike Yanchison, SonicWALL
Rebecca Ramme, UniteU
Michael Dattoma, The Bart Group
Hewlett Packard speaker TBA

It's a day designed to bring together our clients, our staff and invited vendors to network and exchange ideas to motivate and inspire you.

When: June 18th, 9 AM to 5 PM
Location: The Grove, at Third & Fairfax, Los Angeles, CA
(free valet parking)

Limited seating! RSVP to chepner@onestepretail.com or call 818-543-4777 Ext. 4125.

Click here to see full details of event.

Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Free Retail Tech Check

One Step Retail Solutions wants you to prosper in today’s economy and be a cut above your competition. Discover what you can do about it and how to better manage your retail operations, no matter what the economy is doing. Our Retail Tech Check is a complimentary service provided by our retail consultants who are experienced in retail business and operations.

One Step's retail experts will look over and assess your specific retail business, current business processes and technology, and challenging areas. Our consultants don't stop there however. They inform you how to overcome any weaknesses and enhance your strengths using a technology strategy that can take you beyond the norm you're used to.

Click here to get a free Retail Tech Check

Thursday, 22 May 2008

New Retail Whitepaper Released

One Step Retail Solutions recently published a new retail whitepaper, updated from report "The 5 Biggest Challenges Retailers Face Today". The new whitepaper entitled "The 6 Biggest Challenges Retailers Face Today" expands on today's challenges and contains updated and new research in the retail industry.

Download a complimentary copy at:

Tuesday, 20 May 2008

New GS1 DataBar Scanner for Sunrise 2010 - $119

by Nate Schubert

IDAutomation.com Monthly Newsletter

SC5 Databar & PDF417 Barcode ScannerIDAutomation wants to help their customers get ahead of the game with their new DataBar and PDF417 Barcode Scanner. By January 2010, all POS systems will require retail checkouts to be GS1 Databar compliant. This is the only symbology that will be approved for use by GS1.org to encode GTIN-14 numbers that do not start with the number zero (0). The databar symbology is also being used in grocery stores, encoding expiration dates and serial numbers as well as coupons and it is being used in the health industry for small items where traditional barcodes are too large.

With this new GS1 mandate, IDAutomation has added the ability to read Databar and PDF417 barcodes to their already popular SC5 Plug 'n Play barcode scanner. This scanner will continue to read the popular linear bar codes such as Code 39, UPC, EAN, Code 128 and Interleaved 2 of 5. Now, this CCD reader will be able to read PDF417, GS1 DataBar 14, DataBar Truncated, DataBar Stacked, DataBar Stacked Omni-directional, DataBar Limited, DataBar Expanded, DataBar Expanded Stacked Omni-directional and GS1-128.

The price remains competitive at $119 for the new model with the same great one (1) year warranty and the option to increase that warranty to three (3) years. Order Now!

Tuesday, 6 May 2008

New Retail Pro video

Retail Pro, Inc. recently released a new video about how retailers are using Retail Pro point of sale software in their business. Watch this fun 5 minute video and see for yourself how Retail Pro is the POS system of choice for many retailers worldwide.

Friday, 2 May 2008

Barcodes in SE Asia

If you're looking for barcode software in SE Asia try: Hindi, Punjabi, Bengali, Javanese, and Indonesian. Not bad, ehhh?

Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Barcode Prank Video

Everyone loves a good prank, especially a barcode prank. Watch this video of a great barcode scanning prank.Barcode scanning prankby Fippie

Saturday, 26 April 2008

Don't like RFID chips? Beat 'em!

I'm no big fan of RFID chips as regular readers of this blog will attest. But whodda thunk someone would document how to destroy RFID chips? With a hammer no less!

Tuesday, 22 April 2008

China Doesn't Like Barcodes

Azalea software has been selling barcodes worldwide for years now. That includes China, or at least it used to. We seem to have had one visitor on 23sep07 from Beijing and then our traffic from China seems to have dried up overnight. And we even have pages in Chinese too.The only explanation we can come up with is that our URL hit someone's desk and our about us page did what it's supposed to:

Monday, 21 April 2008

IDAutomation Newsletter: April 2008

by Nate Schubert

IDAutomation.com provides Barcode Fonts, Bar Code Components, ActiveX Controls, DLLs, ASP Barcode Server for IIS, Java Servlets, label printing applications and other barcode software
DAutomation.com Monthly Newsletter

Subscribe to our RSS Feed for product updates and industry news.

New Products:
Crystal Barcode UFL for Crystal 12

Product Updates:
Data Matrix Font and Encoder - Now Macintosh Compatible
Universal Bar Code Font Advantage Package

New Knowledge Base Articles:
Web Browser Barcode Resolution FAQ

Additional Information:
How to renew your Priority Support and Upgrade Subscription
Additional Press Releases

Crystal Barcode UFL for Crystal 12:

Crystal Barcode UFL for Crystal 12

New functionality introduced in Crystal Reports version 12 makes it easy to turn fields into barcodes with their "Change To Barcode" menu option. IDAutomation's latest UFL is compatible with this new "change to barcode" functionality. More information about the IDAutomation Crystal Barcode UFL for Crystal 12, is provided at: http://www.idautomation.com/fonts/tools/crystal/#Easy_Barcode_Tutorial

Data Matrix Font and Encoder for MAC:

IDAutomation's Data Matrix Font and Encoder now includes a MAC compatible VBA module for Microsoft Office 2004 for MAC (The Office 2008 for MAC version no longer has VBA capabilities). More information about how to use this Macintosh RTF file in Excel and with Mail Merge is provided at: http://www.idautomation.com/fonts/datamatrix/faq.html#word_mail_merge

Universal Bar Code Font Advantage Package:

The IDAutomation Universal Barcode Font Package creates multiple barcode symbologies from a single font. This package has been updated to support the new dimensions of the USPS Intelligent Mail barcode type and includes new install packages, examples, source code and font encoders. The MAC install package includes examples for Office 2004, FileMaker, OpenOffice, Java and AppleScript. The Windows package includes examples for Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, FileMaker, Crystal Reports, VB, C# and Java. Linux and Unix encoder support is provided in Java, C and OpenOffice VB.

More information about the Universal Barcode Font Advantage, including a download of the evaluation version, is provided at: http://www.idautomation.com/fonts/universal/

Web Browser Barcode Resolution FAQ:

This document describes how web browsers display and print barcodes with various image resolutions and X dimensions.

Product updates and Priority Support and Upgrade Subscription Renewal:

IDAutomation's Priority Support and Upgrade Subscription allows you to receive the latest version of the product, unlimited phone support, priority Help Desk support during work hours and additional help desk support on evenings, weekends and holidays.

If the Priority Support and Upgrade Subscription has not been purchased or is expired, it may be activated from the appropriate link:

If the Priority Support and Upgrade Subscription has been purchased:

If the purchase was made before December 2005 through RegNow/Digital River, please contact us with your order ID number and we will send you the updated download link.

If you have an active support agreement through our store, you will need to go back to our store online and go to “my account”: http://store.idautomation.com/login-st-order.asp. To login, you will need to enter your user name (your email address) and the password created at the time of order. When you log in, you should see your order and in the upper right hand corner, you will see a "My Downloads” icon link. This will be the location to download the update.

For customers who do not purchase the Priority Support and Upgrade Subscription, support is limited to our online knowledge base and the product support site. Product updates are only provided to customers with an active Priority Support and Upgrade Subscription.

Recent Press Releases:

Best Regards,

IDAutomation.com, Inc.
550 North Reo Street, Suite 230
Tampa, FL 33609

The purpose of the IDAutomation.com newsletter is to keep you informed of updates for the products you ordered, industry news and technical support issues for our IDAutomation products.

© Copyright 2000-2008 IDAutomation.com, Inc., All Rights Reserved. Legal Notices.

If you have problems viewing this newsletter, you can view it online at:

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Friday, 4 April 2008

Barcode Music!

As a fan of 8-bit music I was delighted to stumble across across a way to make music from barcodes.A grrl nerd doing art with barcodes. I'm in love!

Thursday, 3 April 2008

Retail Webinar-on-Demand

Today's economy is on shaky ground for retailers. One Step Retail Solutions' new Webinar-on-demand informs retailers what they can do to prevail in "How Retailers Can Thrive in Today's Challenging Economy."

Find out how to prosper in today's economy and be a cut above your competition. The economy is cycling down. Learn how this is affecting retail and what you can do about it to help you better manage your retail operations and prosper, no matter what the economy is doing.

This webinar discusses:
  • The current outlook for retailers
  • Getting through extended slow seasons
  • Capitalizing on your strongest assets - your customers
  • Maximizing profit margins with your inventory
  • The competitive advantage of a POS system
  • Investing in the infrastructure of your business.

Watch this webinar!

Texas City Smarter Than Federal Emergency Management Agency

The city of Houston, TX has found a unique solution to the frightening disconnection that familes often suffer during disasters. Rather than relying on hand-written signs, word of mouth or spotty cellphone coverage, families, hospitals, evacuation centers and emergency officals can now utilyze barcode bracelets to help locate and track families separated in the chaos of an emergency.If only FEMA

Sunday, 30 March 2008

2D Barcodes & High Fashion

One of these days someone is going to bring barcodes to the masses. Today's NY Times has a piece about QR codes on custom scarfes.Kaywa, the company involved, is in Europe. Phone capabilities are as much a function of the wireless carrier as the physical phone itself. That means yanks have to wait til the Japanese & Europeans figure it all out.

Saturday, 29 March 2008

Dennis Quaid Is Down With Barcodes

Imagine my surprise and delight when I read that Dennis Quaid is a barcode fanboy. He's going to sue Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles unless they implement a barcode system.Hey Dennis, wanna be on my Board of Directors?

Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Do barcodes need a Wiki of their own?

To quote those involved: "a site for storing user generated information to be stored against a product, identified by its barcode number."A show of hands please. All in favor say "aye"...

Tuesday, 18 March 2008

China & Tibet

Sometimes current events are so stark and immediate that they demand that we all do the right thing. To that end, I sent the following email to both the Chinese embassy and the China's ambassador to the UN:Wang GuangyaAmbassador and Permanent RepresentativeChinese Mission to the United Nations, I would like to lodge a strong complaint about how the People's Republic of China has responded to the

Monday, 17 March 2008

New Retail Webinar

Upcoming webinar "How Retailers Can Thrive In a Challenging Economy" will focus on principles that will help reshape the way retailers manage their retail operations and prosper, no matter what the economy is doing.

Featured speaker is Kevin McAdam, retail expert from One Step Retail Solutions.

Registration is free, but required.

Friday, 14 March 2008

Barcodes & Christians? What about 666?

Hey. I thought Christians associated barcodes with Satan. You know, UPC barcodes include the Mark of the Beast. The Devil's in bar codes.Well, here's a church embracing barcodes.

Friday, 7 March 2008

Barcodes in Excel, Word, and Access

Need to make barcodes in Microsoft Office applications? Mail merge with Code 128 barcodes using Excel and Word? Perhaps you're doing UPC barcodes in an Access database.Wouldn't it be nice to have free sample code like macros, plug-in's, etc. to do all the hard work for you? Heck, who wants to write code from scratch for things like check digits? Not me! I'd rather bolt on a pre-built widget, how

Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Friday is Leap Day!

Yep, 2008 is a Leap Year. Those of you born on February 29th can get the cake & candles out.Trivia question of the day: what are those born on Leap Day called? See the above page for the answer to today's question.

Monday, 25 February 2008

Barcodes in Menus?

Most people read about using barcodes in restaurant menus and see some measure of utility in it. It's faster, easier, uses machines instead of people. So goes the logic behind The Deli Touch pen. If that isn't enough, try the video. I can't speak Japanese but it's worth watching just for the end.Someone says "barcoded menu" and "scanners for all customers" and I hear "prank waiting to happen".

Friday, 22 February 2008

.NET Barcode Control Update

by Nate Schubert

February 21, 2008

IDAutomation.com announces an update to their .NET Barcode Control for easy barcoding in VB. NET and C#. NET.

(Tampa, FL.) IDAutomation.com, Inc. announces an update to their release of the Linear .NET Barcode Forms Control which allows for easy integration of barcode technology directly into .NET Framework applications. The .NET Forms Control and DLL package update includes the Intelligent Mail symbology, strong naming with signed DLLs and enhancements to overall performance related to print methods.

The Linear .NET Barcode Forms Control is compatible with any development environment that can utilize .NET Forms Controls and DLLs. Several bar code symbologies are supported in this control including Code 39, Code 128, UCC-128, Interleaved 2 of 5, UPC, EAN, Codabar and Postnet. The 100% managed code control is very easy to use and is provided with sample projects in C# and VB.NET. By integrating barcode technology directly into .NET Framework applications, it is no longer necessary to export data to a proprietary label program to print barcodes. The demo version may be downloaded from www.idautomation.com/formscontrols/ and is fully functional.

This package also includes the IDAutomation RFID component which encodes smart tags and labels on RFID printers from .NET Framework applications. The control has many advanced features such as device independent graphics, data binding, adjustable orientation and strong name support. All functionality is implemented in a single file that is less than 150K in size, which makes it easy to distribute with other applications.

A distributable royalty-free Developer License for the Linear .NET Barcode Forms Control starts at $395. IDAutomation.com, Inc. also provides barcode fonts and barcode components for ActiveX, COM, ASP, Oracle and Java. IDAutomation.com, Inc. has been marketing ID automation products for businesses since 1996 and is privately held. For more information, visit their website at http://www.idautomation.com/.

Thursday, 21 February 2008

Barcodes & Interior Lighting

Some may think that there's no intersection between barcodes (our favorite topic) and lighting design. Think again. Introducing barcode lights.An idea whose time has come.BTW, what do they scan as???

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

IDAutomation Newsletter: February 2008

by Nate Schubert

IDAutomation.com provides Barcode Fonts, Bar Code Components, ActiveX Controls, DLLs, ASP Barcode Server for IIS, Java Servlets, label printing applications and other barcode software
utomation.com Monthly Newsl

New Products:
IDAutomation Native Barcode Generator Plug-in for FileMaker

Product Updates:
IDAutomation SC5USB Plug 'n Play Barcode Scanner - On Sale for $99
Oracle Reports Barcode PLL with PL/SQL Source

New Hardware:
Opticon OPN 2001 Pocket Memory Barcode Scanner

Recent Press Releases:
New Product: Native Barcode Generator for FileMaker
New Product: Microsoft Access Barcode Integration Kit
New Product: Aztec Font and Encoder

Additional Information:
How to renew your Priority Support and Upgrade Subscription
Additional Press Releases

Native Barcode Generator for FileMaker:

Native Barcode Generator for FileMaker

The new patent pending Native Barcode Generator for FileMaker is an easy-to-use plug-in extension that may be embedded into a FileMaker report to create barcode images without the installation of additional fonts or other components. It is the complete barcode generator that is provided as a single redistributable plug-in file. Supported symbologies include Code 3 of 9, GS1-128, Interleaved 2 of 5, Code 128, POSTNET and PLANET.

More information about the IDAutomation Native Barcode Generator for FileMaker, including a download of the evaluation version, is provided at: http://www.idautomation.com/filemaker/native/

SC5USB Plug 'n Play Barcode Scanner:

Get a leap on this deal! For a limited time, our popular SC5USB Plug 'n Play Barcode Scanner is on sale for $99. Sales ends 2/29/2008.

SC5USB Plug 'n Play Barcode ScannerThis durable and ergonomically designed IDAutomation Plug 'n Play USB scanner is the best value handheld scanner in its class. It offers the performance of a laser scanner with no moving parts to wear out at a lower cost. The CCD scan engine in this scanner can focus on smaller barcodes better than most lasers scanners and still read large barcodes. It scans linear bar codes that are up to 4.2" wide from near contact to 10" away at 200 scans per second. The SC5USB scanner connects via a USB port making it compatible for both Windows PC's and Apple Mac's, perfect for laptops and PDA devices. It contains its own built-in decoder so information scanned appears as if it had been typed from the keyboard.

More information about the IDAutomation SC5USB Plug 'n Play Barcode Scanner is provided at: http://idautomation.com/scanners/SC5USB.html

Oracle Reports Barcode PLL with PL/SQL Source:

Oracle Reports PLL for BarcodingIDAutomation.com, Inc. announces the release of their new Oracle Reports Barcode PLL with PL/SQL Source. The barcode library is a cross-platform PLL file that formats data from fields in the report to barcode fonts. Includes PL/SQL source code and is compatible with Windows, Linux and Unix. Code 128 (sets A, B and C), Postnet, Planet, GS1-128, Interleaved 2 of 5, ITF, UPC-A, EAN-13 and EAN-8 are supported. The barcode library is royalty-free when used with one of our barcode fonts. The fonts are available at: http://www.idautomation.com/fonts/

Additional updates to this PLL include adding support for the Universal Barcode Font Advantage™. This package is a single font that supports multiple barcode types. It is also designed to be compatible with multiple operating systems and locales, including Double Byte versions of Windows such as those used in China and Japan as well as other Asian locale settings.

Opticon OPN 2001 Pocket Memory Barcode Scanner:

OPN 2001 Pocket Memory Barcode ScannerThe OPN 2001 Pocket Memory Barcode Scanner is an easy-to-use compact barcode scanner which scans up to 10,000 barcodes and stores them automatically. Opticon's pocket-size scanner priced at $119 has 512 KB of memory and an internal Lithium-Ion battery charged via USB connection.

More information about the OPN 2001 Pocket Memory Barcode Scanner is provided at: http://www.idautomation.com/portable_memory/pocket-memory.html

Thursday, 14 February 2008

Finally, a reason for cell phones & barcodes

The Voice of the Street from Leif on Vimeo.Lauren sent me news of this cool street art project that involve cell phones & barcodes. QR codes linked to voicemail tying artist to viewer. It's from The Voice of the Street. Check it out!!!

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Retail Tips from Rick Segel

If you haven't seen Rick Segel's Retail Tip of the Week bulletins, I think you're missing out on some great stuff. His latest bulletin shows results from a retail survey Rick did and it is very enlightening. Here's a link to the PDF version of it:


His retail humor in the sidebar completely cracked me up, too. But the meat of the bulletin is his tips to retailers to improve their retail operations. I encourage you to check it out! Oh, check us out while you're at it!


Friday, 1 February 2008

Can Barcodes Help the Vision-Impaired?

Peter Abrahams hopes so. "For anyone who is blind or cannot see well the kitchen can be a real challenge. The first challenge is to know what is in all the similarly shaped tins and packets in the cupboard or fridge/freezer. A related challenge is to know what is written on each of them such as the cooking instructions and ingredients...Any packaged product has a barcode so this seems the

New Release: Native Barcode Generator Plug-in for FileMaker Pro

January 31, 2008

IDAutomation.com announces the release of their Native Barcode Generator Plug-In for FileMaker Pro.

(Tampa, FL.) IDAutomation.com announces the release of their Native Barcode Generator for FileMaker 7.0 and above. The new Native Generator creates barcodes in FileMaker as a Plug-In without the installation of additional fonts or other components.

The Native Barcode Generator is a FileMaker barcode Plug-In Extension that creates barcodes without any dependencies. Once installed, no other components, plugins or fonts need to be installed to create barcodes; the plug-in provides formulas, that when displayed in a report, create a FileMaker barcode from an already installed system font. Supported symbologies include Code 128 (Set A, B, C and Auto) Code 3 of 9, GS1-128, Codabar, UCC/EAN-128, Interleaved 2 of 5 and MSI. The fully functional evaluation version of the control is available for download at the IDAutomation.com website: http://www.idautomation.com/filemaker/native/

Pricing for a royalty-free Developer License starts at $595. In addition to the Native Barcode Generator for FileMaker, IDAutomation provides barcode fonts, components and software applications that support several barcode types. IDAutomation.com, Inc. has been marketing products for businesses since 1996 and is privately held. For more information, visit their website at http://www.idautomation.com/.


Attention publisher: You may edit our press release as necessary for your publication. This press release, including logo and barcode graphic images may by viewed and downloaded from http://www.idautomation.com/press/. In addition, you may use any of our graphics or text from our website.

Thursday, 31 January 2008

Barcodes in Asia. Here we go!

There's a new barcode site focused on PacRim countries.It's available in Japanese, Chinese simplified, Chinese traditional, Korean, Vietnamese, Thai, and Tagalog. Oh, and in English too!

Friday, 25 January 2008

GS1 DataBar (RSS) Symbol Barcode

GS1 DataBar™ (formerly RSS) symbols can identify small items and carry more information than the current EAN/UPC bar code. GS1 DataBar will enable GTIN identification for hard-to-mark products like jewelry and cosmetics and can carry GS1 Application Identifiers such as serial numbers, lot numbers, and expiration dates, creating solutions to support product authentication and traceability for fresh variable measure products and couponing.

View the GS1 DataBar Family of bar codes

This all explained here for you:

GS1 DataBar [formerly Reduced Space Symbology (RSS)] is a family of linear components of composite symbols that includes:

* Symbols intended for retail Point-of-Sale scanning
o GS1 DataBar (DataBar-14)
o GS1 DataBar Stacked Omnidirectional (DataBar-14 Stacked Omnidirectional)
o GS1 DataBar Expanded
o GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked

* Symbols that are not intended for retail Point-of-Sale scanning
o GS1 DataBar Truncated (DataBar-14 Truncated)
o GS1 DataBar Limited
o GS1 DataBar Stacked

GS1 DataBar, GS1 DataBar Truncated, GS1 DataBar Stacked, GS1 DataBar Stacked Omnidirectional encode full 14-digit Global Trade Item Numbers (GTINs). They are smaller than EAN-13 or UPC-A Bar Code Symbols. Each provides a linkage flag to indicate the existence of a 2D Composite Component. GS1 DataBar and GS1 DataBar Stacked Omnidirectional have omnidirectional scanning capability.

GS1 DataBar Limited is designed for very small item identification. It encodes 14 digit GTIN using indicator digits 0 or 1 and provides a linkage flag for the 2D Composite Component.

GS1 DataBar Expanded and DataBar Expanded Stacked will encode any of the GS1 System identification numbers as well as all other Application Identifiers. Each symbol has a variable length with a capacity of up to 74 characters. Each provides a linkage flag to indicate the existence of 2D Composite Component. Unlike the EAN-128 Bar Code Symbol, the DataBar Expanded Symbologies are designed to read in omnidirectional scanning environment.

GS1 DataBar is widely used in the healthcare industry for both pharmaceuticals and medical/surgical products.

GS1 DataBar has been identified to solve problems in the grocery industry where there had previously been no machine readable marking or there was inadequate information encoded.

One advantage of using a GS1 DataBar barcode rather than a UPC barcode is that, while either one can encode the GTIN for the product, the GS1 DataBar barcode can also include the expiration date. The GS1 intention is to make GS1 DataBar available in all trade item scanning systems beginning Jan 1, 2010.

The name was changed from RSS by GS1 due to the potential for confusion with Really Simple Syndication

Thursday, 24 January 2008

Double barcodes

Look what Santa brought me! Double barcodes: UPC and EAN-13!!They even came with free incense too. Wow, isn't Santa swell? I'm gonna be good all year and get more neat barcodes next Christmas too.

The End Is Nigh

If you're of an eagerly apocalyptic bent, this storyshould give you a little shiver of glee. The UK Ministry of Justice is investigating the use of satellite and radio-wave technology to monitor criminals. Only this time they're not talking about ankle or wrist bracelets, no that technology is yesterday's news. What they'd like to do, if no one minds too terribly much what-what pip-pip, is

Monday, 21 January 2008

The New, Better Retail Pro Version 9

The newest version of Retail Pro can't be beat. No one else offers what this retail management software provides for small and midsize specialty retailers.

Retail Pro Version 9 offers localization for support, currencies, and languages and is now written in 18 different languages and supports 17 different currencies.

This POS inventory management software handles retailers from a single store to 500 stores. It has been and remains the industry's leading POS software for independent retailers.

Try a LIVE online demo of the newest Retail Pro version and see for yourself.

Sign up for a live demo of Retail Pro V9 now.

IDAutomation Newsletter: January 2008

by Nate Schubert

IDAutomation.com provides Barcode Fonts, Bar Code Components, ActiveX Controls, DLLs, ASP Barcode Server for IIS, Java Servlets, label printing applications and other barcode software
IDAutomation.com Monthly Newsletter

You have received this issue of the Newsletter because you subscribed or you purchased products from us. The purpose of this newsletter is to keep you informed of news and updates for the products you ordered.


Subscribe to our RSS Feed for product updates and industry news.

New Products:
IDAutomation Aztec Font and Encoder

Product Updates:
IDAutomation 2D ActiveX Control
IDAutomation PDF417 Font & Encoder Advantage

Recent Press Releases:
Product Update: ASP Barcode Server for IIS
Product Update: ASP.NET Barcode Web Server Control

Additional Information:
How to renew your Priority Support and Upgrade Subscription
Additional Press Releases

Aztec Font and Encoder:

Aztec Barcode ExampleThe Aztec bar code fonts make use of Vertical Interleaved Technology which allows printing of high-density Aztec symbols with TrueType, PCL and PostScript fonts. Includes the Windows COM DLL, Crystal Reports UFL Font Encoders and ActiveX Control Graphic Encoder. Aztec is an area efficient two-dimensional (2D) barcode symbology capable of encoding large amounts of data. The data encoded may include letters, numbers, text and actual bytes of data, including extended characters, Unicode characters and small photos.

More information about the IDAutomation Aztec Font and Encoder, including a download of the evaluation version, is provided at: http://idautomation.com/fonts/aztec/

2D ActiveX Control

Aztec Barcode added to 2D ActiveX ControlThe latest release of the 2D Barcode ActiveX control now includes the Aztec symbology. Aztec is an area efficient two-dimensional barcode type that is capable of encoding large amounts of data that may include letters, numbers, text and actual bytes of data, including extended characters, Unicode characters and small photos.

More information about the IDAutomation Linear + 2D ActiveX Control, including a download of the evaluation version, is provided at: http://idautomation.com/activex/

If the product was purchased and you would like to obtain the update, please refer to the Priority Support and Upgrade Subscription Renewal section of this newsletter.

PDF417 Font and Encoder Advantage Package

Native JavaScript EncoderThe new release of the PDF417 Font & Encoder Advantage Package now includes the Native JavaScript Encoder. The Native JavaScript Font Encoder is a complete font encoder in a single JavaScript file; no other components need to be installed to create barcodes except the IDAutomationPDF417 font.

More information about the IDAutomation PDF417 Font & Encoder Advantage Package, including a download of the evaluation version, is provided at: http://idautomation.com/fonts/pdf417/

If the product was purchased and you would like to obtain the update, please refer to the Priority Support and Upgrade Subscription Renewal section of this newsletter.

Product updates and Priority Support and Upgrade Subscription Renewal

IDAutomation's Priority Support and Upgrade Subscription allows you to receive the latest version of the product, unlimited phone support, priority Help Desk support during work hours and additional help desk support on evenings, weekends and holidays.

If the Priority Support and Upgrade Subscription has not been purchased or is expired, it may be activated from the appropriate link:

If the Priority Support and Upgrade Subscription has been purchased:

If the purchase was made before December 2005 through RegNow/Digital River, please contact us with your order ID number and we will send you the updated download link.

If you have an active support agreement through our store, you will need to go back to our store online and go to “my account”: http://store.idautomation.com/login-st-order.asp. To login, you will need to enter your user name (your email address) and the password created at the time of order. When you log in, you should see your order and in the upper right hand corner, you will see a "My Downloads” icon link. This will be the location to download the update.

For customers who do not purchase the Priority Support and Upgrade Subscription, support is limited to our online knowledge base and the product support site. Product updates are only provided to customers with an active Priority Support and Upgrade Subscription.

Recent Press Releases:

Best Regards,

IDAutomation.com, Inc.
550 North Reo Street, Suite 230
Tampa, FL 33609

The purpose of the IDAutomation.com newsletter is to keep you informed of updates for the products you ordered, industry news and technical support issues for our IDAutomation products.

© Copyright 2000-2008 IDAutomation.com, Inc., All Rights Reserved. Legal Notices.

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